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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tips Agar Anak Bisa Tidur Pulas

Tidur tak hanya sekedar istirahat bagi si kecil tetapi memiliki manfaat besar lainnya terutama bagi proses tumbuh kembangnya. Tidur yang cukup akan membantu proses metabolisme tubuh sehingga pertumbuhan bayi menjadi lebih terpacu.
Kualitas tidur bayi akan mempengaruhi pertambahan berat badan, tinggi badan dan kesehatan fisiknya. Bayi dengan tidur yang cukup juga akan memiliki daya tahan tubuh yang baik pula. Sebaliknya bayi yang kurang tidur umumnya menjadi rewel, cengeng dan sulit diatur.
Untuk itu beberapa tips berikut dapat ayah dan bunda coba terapkan agar buah hati tercinta dapat tidur dengan pulas:
• Pelajari tanda-tanda bahwa ia sudah lelah, misalkan menggosok-gosok matanya, menarik-narik telinganya atau samar-samar terlihat lingkaran gelap di bawah matanya.
• Tetapkan jam tidurnya, bila ia memang sudah terlihat lelah jangan ditunda-tunda untuk menidurkannya, karena bayi sangat lelah justru akan lebih sulit tertidur.
• Gunakan ruangan yang remang-remang, suasana yang demikian dapat membantu bayi-bayi yang sensitif untuk bisa tidur lebih lama tanpa banyak terbangun di malam hari.
• Usahakan untuk menidurkan si kecil di tempat yang sama, hal ini akan membantu si kecil untuk belajar mengasosiasikan tempat tidur dengan waktu tidurnya.
• Upayakan ia dalam keadaan kenyang, kondisi lapar akan membuat si kecil sulit tidur atau sering terbangun, maka susuilah dia minimal setiap 3 jam sekali.
• Buatlah suasana tidur menjadi sesuatu hal yang menyenangkan, hal ini dapat diupayakan dengan memutar lagu-lagu lembut menjelang dan atau selama ia tidur.
• Pilihkan baju yang nyaman, baju yang berbahan tipis serta mudah menyerap keringat akan lebih menguntungkan agar si kecil tidak kepanasan saat tidur.
• Bantu si kecil untuk berelaksasi sebelum tidur, hal ini dapat dilakukan misalnya dengan melakukan pijatan ringan pada tubuh bayi ataupun memberikan tepukan-tepukan halus di pantatnya sehingga akan membuat si kecil merasa nyaman dan mudah terlelap.
Semoga penjelasan dan sedikit tips yang telah saya share dapat memberikan manfaat untuk kita semua dalam mengoptimalkan tumbuh kembang buah hati tercinta.
Sumber: Koran Radar Cirebon Rubrik Visita Oleh Dr. Lucia Dewi Puspitasari

Thursday, April 28, 2011

What to Do When Your Child Has a Cold



If your child has a cold, he or she will want you to fix it fast. Unfortunately, colds last from seven to ten days, and a young child may not have a concept for that length of time. The good news is that you may be able to make them feel better and distract them during the healing process.
There are some similarities between a cold and the flu, but usually there are enough unique aspects to help you figure out which is which. A cold usually has a lower fever, a runny nose and a sore throat. The flu has a high fever, headache, body aches, etc.
Going to the doctor is a judgement call you will have to make, but be aware that antibiotics don't do anything to shorten the duration of a cold. It is dangerous to take them too frequently, so demanding a prescription is counterproductive.
Dehydration is a big threat when a child is ill, especially if it hurts to swallow. Popsicles and other frozen, milk free treats may be helpful. There are also products designed to help keep the electrolytes balanced. Those are usually found on the "baby" aisle of your local supermarket.
Children get very restless when they are ill. They may not understand what is happening and why they feel that way. Even older children, who have a good idea about colds and so forth, can exhibit signs of restlessness. There are several ways to deal with this.
The first one I learned from my mother. She kept a hidden supply of toys, books, etc. that she brought out when we were sick. These distractions helped wile away the hours we were cooped up indoors recovering.
The second one involves herbs. Before I list a few of the herbs I think may be helpful, let me emphasize the importance of speaking to your child's pediatrician first. Some herbs may be too strong, and the amount to use varies with age and weight. Catnip and chamomile are the two safest relaxing herbs. Of the two, you stand a better chance of getting the child to drink the chamomile. Its taste is sort of like apples and it is mildly sweet.
There are warning signs to watch out for while your child is recovering. If the symptoms start to get better then suddenly get worse, that is a possible sign of infection, which will need an antibiotic. If the fever goes up, symptoms worsen or the cold lasts for longer than ten days, those are also signs the doctor is needed. Lastly, if you just feel that the situation warrants a trip to the doctor, go with your instincts, they are usually right.
See my website:
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How To Maintain Dental Health

brushing teeth

brushing teeth

healthy teeth

If you want to know how to maintain dental health then there is a lot you can do to help yourself. If you choose not to take the right steps then it can have a major impact on your life. This is something that should be developed from a young age so that good habits become a part of your every day routine as an adult.
This does not just apply to tooth pain or bleeding gums as it can cause you to have bad breath and really affect your appearance in a detrimental way. You can avoid this from occurring by taking the right steps. In doing this you will feel a lot better and be a more confident individual. It means you will be less likely to have to visit the dentist for extractions and fillings.
The first thing you need to do is to brush your teeth. Make sure you do this at least two times every day. Ideally you would brush after each meal as eating caused acids to be released and these can attack tooth enamel. Twice a day is fine, though and something that anyone can manage as part of their daily hygiene routine.
Brush with a toothbrush which has firm bristles. Make sure that it is changed when this is no longer the case and use a good toothpaste which contains fluoride and other ingredients which discourage the build up of plaque. Having brushed make sure that you rinse thoroughly with cold water and make sure you have cleaned the brush afterwards.
Even though a visit to the dentist can be daunting and be one of the things that we naturally fear in life you should go at least two times a year for a routine check up. Most dentists are aware that you're nervous and have been trained to put you at ease. Try going with a family member for support.
Make this less likely to be a problem by using more advanced oral hygiene techniques. Most dentists will tell you to use dental floss to improve the health of your gums. When you begin using it you may notice some minor bleeding and discomfort but once they have become stronger this will no longer happen to you.
This can be picked up from any pharmacy and using it on a regular basis will mean that you have stronger gums and there will be less chance of food being stuck between teeth which can lead to cavities occurring. You can also watch the foods that you eat, minimizing your consumption of sugary snack foods or things like peanut butter which stick to your teeth.
You can also find that using an anti plaque mouthwash will prove useful in this regard. There are many on the market and they can make your mouth feel fresh if you use them after you have brushed. They can be used with all other dental health approaches so that you can avoid problems with your teeth and gums.
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Parent's Participation in Children's Education


ideals of the child


You cannot expect the school district to bear sole responsibility for the teaching of a child. Education is a process, so stick with your child each step along the way to ensure a smooth transition through the years.
Know your child
According to Betsy Combier, administrator for the website, knowing your child is the first step. Take an active role in recognizing what your child's strengths and weaknesses are and knowing how he learns best. If you know what excites and frustrates your child from a learning perspective, then that information can serve as a point of reference for his teacher. Combier recommends sharing these feelings along with him. "Get in there," she says. "Get excited right along with him."
Be active
To maximize your child's education, it is not enough just to have your voice heard during an annual parent-teacher conference. Teachers want your help in educating your child through his successes and failures. Reach out to your child's teacher with phone calls and e-mails. If you two maintain a cooperative relationship from the onset of the school year then if and when an issue arises you can face it together as a team. A joint understanding and clear communication are usually enough to help solve any problem.
Success benchmarks
No classroom environment is perfect. One teacher cannot address each student's needs. Furthermore, since education is not one-size-fits-all, a high grade does not necessarily mean that your child is being challenged. Parents should ask teachers about course benchmarks and their child 's achievements so they are updated.
Don't forget that other parents can provide a wealth of information as well. All of you have expertise in different areas so share what you know. Also, do your part to know what's expected of your child in each grade by researching educational resources online and reading the newspaper to stay current.
Curriculum check
If you are interested in checking out your child's curriculum, approach the situation from a curiosity perspective so you're not on the offensive when talking to your child's teacher. Do not be afraid to ask questions and know there is always more work that can be done at home. You can enhance your child's education by using library resources as well.
Communication tactics
Always act with integrity because your children are watching. Be respectful of the teacher's boundaries since it is his classroom. Set up appointments beforehand and keep careful notes of any communication you have. If any issues escalate that you and the teacher or the guidance counselor cannot resolve then consider reaching out to the principal or another administrator.
No matter what your parenting style, the key to a successful academic experience is to partner with your children in their education.
Paul Banas is a founder of He writes articles on raising kids, teens sex education, parenting tips and many more topics related to dads.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How to Prevent Brain Cancer

Brain Cancer

Brain Cancer

How to Prevent Brain Cancer - A Simple Guide That Will Change Your Way of Life For the Better
Cancer is a degenerative disease that figuratively speaking eats at your organs, being diagnosed with cancer can be the most devastating news you will ever hear; today were going to review over how to prevent brain cancer.
Just like a car's engine, our brains are the core of our existence. Without the usage of your brain, you would be a vegetable, having no movement, thoughts, or impulses. When a cancerous tumor is present in your brain it impairs many body functions controlled by electric impulses that are sent from the brain. Many people, lose their mobility, speech, and are subject to multiple uncontrollable body movements.
There are preventive measures that you can take to prevent this devastating disease from claiming residency in your brain.
• Step 1- Explore your family history, find out what diseases run in your family. If cancer is prominent, be sure to let a doctor know about your cause for concern. Be sure to visit your doctor at least every 4-6 months for brain scans, if anyone in your family passed away over a problem in the brain.
• Step 2-Get healthy, healthier living promotes longer happier lives. Do not partake of any impurities such as smoking, or drinking alcohol. Exercise frequently and stay informed about any medical issues pertaining to brain cancer. Talk with a certified physician to obtain a full list on things you can do to prevent the cancerous tumors associated with brain cancer.
• Step 3- Use your cell phone with care. Studies have shown that people who regularly use their cell phones chances of getting a brain tumor, which can later on evolve into cancer is 240% higher then someone who stays off the phone. Cell phones give off radioactive waves which attack brain cells.
• Step 4-Educate yourself on brain cancer, know the causes and the symptoms, so if you feel that you may be suffering from a cancerous tumor you know the warning signs.
To get more help to prevent brain cancer just click here.
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Role of a Teacher in Society

Role of a Teacher in Society

The role of a teacher in society is both significant and valuable.It has far-reaching influence on the society he lives in and no other personality can have an influence more profound than that of a teacher. Students are deeply affected by the teacher's love and affection, his character, his competence, and his moral commitment. A popular teacher becomes a model for his students. The students try to follow their teacher in his manners, costumes, etiquette, style of conversation and his get up. He is their ideal.
He can lead them anywhere. During their early education, the students tend to determine their aims in life and their future plans, in consultation with their teachers. Therefore, a good and visionary teacher can play a prominent role in making the future of his students while as a corrupt teacher can only harm his students much more seriously than a class of corrupt and perverted judiciary, army, police, bureaucracy, politicians or technocrats. A corrupt and incompetent teacher in not only a bad individual, but also an embodiment of a corrupt and incompetent generation. A nation with corrupt teachers is a nation at risk; every coming day announces the advent of its approaching destruction.
The importance of a teacher as an architect of our future generations demands that only the best and the most intelligent and competent members of our intelligentsia be allowed to qualify for this noble profession. It is unfortunate to find that generally the worst and the most incapable people of the society find their way into this profession. Anyone who fails to find an opening in any other walk of life, gets into this profession and recklessly plays with the destiny of the nation. An important reason for this is understood to be the poor salaries of our primary and secondary teachers which are no better than that of clerks. A large number of our teachers is , therefore, frustrated and disinterested.
They have to go for part-time jobs to meet their basic needs. Again, the teaching profession also does not enjoy due respect in the society. The primary and secondary teachers are particularly at a disadvantage. Their status is lower than that of doctors, engineers, advocates, civil servants; even lower than that of semi literate and illiterate traders. It would therefore require great commitment for an intelligent individual, however fond of education and training he may be, to forsake the career of a doctor or engineer in favour of teaching. Therefore, while selecting good teachers, it must be borne in mind that better opportunities,prospects and perks are offered to the teachers.
When we speak of good teachers it means that a teacher must be a model of faith and piety and should have a fairly good knowledge . A teacher should consider it his duty to educate and train his students and should feel responsible for it. He should feel that his students have been entrusted to him and he should avoid any breach of the trust the society has reposed in him. He should be a sociable person with his roots in the society. People should take him as their well-wisher and a sincere friend who cares for their children. It should be ascertained at all cost that a candidate for this profession has a natural acumen and aptitude for teaching.
He should actively participate in the social activities in a positive way. He should know the art of teaching with a deep insight into child psychology. He should always deal with the students in a just manner. He should not lose his self-control on mistakes his students may commit, and instead he should respect their feelings and ego, and should try to understand and resolve their difficulties with grace while keeping his cool. He should be able to smile in the face of bitter criticism on his opinions, and should not feel ashamed or humiliated to accept his mistakes wholeheartedly.
He should be proud of his culture, his national dress and his national language.He should be a missionary, a mentor, a reformer and a guide besides being a dedicated tutor. In other words, he should be a perfect teacher and a perfect educationist.
While highlighting the role of a teacher in the society, it is imperative to involve the role of parents, too, in the process of character building of the students. In the past, parents and teachers both used to make the best of their efforts to provide an atmosphere to their children congenial to the development of higher virtues and morals. But the gross social change over the last fifty years, large scale urbanization, ruthless competition for financial gains, and heavy preoccupation in everyday life deplete all time and energy from the parents, leaving behind little time or energy for them to monitor their children.
Whatever time they have at their disposal is consumed by newspapers, television and other recreations. As a result, the younger generation hardly gets any opportunity to share ideas with their elders or to enter into a meaningful discussion. On the other hand, this idea is gaining ground among us that education is not meant to build up better human beings, but only to get better jobs. Consequently, the students' minds are obsessed with better jobs and dreams for higher social status.It is,therefore,duty of the parents, too, to take active interest in the day-to-day progress of their children both in and outside the institution and apprise them of the real meaning of education.
(Dr.S.K.Raina,Formerly Fellow IIAS Shimla.(India) 2/537 Aravali Vihar,Alwar 301001.Mobile: 09414216124)
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Honey! Natural Treatment for Gum Disease

honey and bees

There is quite a bit of talk going on about the antimicrobial properties of the sweetener, Xylitol, which is a product manufactured from cornstalks. The dental hygienist community (discussion groups) is where I am seeing most of this and my understanding is that it is a pretty good product as a sweetener and good for your teeth and gums. Something made me think, however, about going more natural and 'honey' came to mind. I wondered about the antimicrobial properties of this natural and healthy food and what I found really surprised me!
I was abble to learn quite a bit about honey's properties - Yes, honey is a good antimicrobial and has a great number of applications for treating all sorts of ailments aside from gum disease. Everything from eczema to prostate problems are being effectively treated with honey... Honey!
Before you run to the cupboard, however, you should know that the variety of honeys are widely varied in their effectiveness, so not all types are the same.
Some honeys are apparently no better for your teeth than refined sugar, but at the other end of the spectrum, there are varieties which are outstanding for their antimicrobial properties. It appears that the majority of research on honey's antimicrobial properties and effectiveness in treating gum disease come out of New Zealand in the past dozen years. Most of this may be attributable to Dr. Peter C. Molan, Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
"Honey contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide which is believed to be the main reason for the antimicrobial activity of honey. Types of honey differ greatly in their antimicrobial potency, varying as much as a hundred fold. The research has shown that honey not only stops the growth of the dental plaque bacteria, it reduces the amount of acid produced, which stops the bacteria from producing dextran. Dextran, a component of dental plaque, is the gummy polysaccharide that the bacteria produce in order to adhere to the surface of the teeth."
Honey derived from the Manuka (Leptospermum scoparium) tree, found in abundance in New Zealand, claims the highest potency of antimicrobial properties. In fact, Manuka honey's antibacterial factor is unaffected by enzymes in the body that destroy hydrogen peroxide components. (Normally, peroxide isn't considered a good antimicrobial, orally, because the body quickly dilutes it.) It also has an exceptionally high level of plant-derived antimicrobial activity. Antioxidants in honey also prevent the formation of free radicals and the nutrient supply of honey is an important factor in new tissue re-growth, having been damaged by infection.
In addition, a 'medicinal' honey has been developed in New Zealand and Queensland, Australia to fight against 'superbugs,' such as multiple-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), attributable to a reported 100 deaths a week in the UK, according to one report.
"Laboratory testing is required to establish the level of anti-bacterial activity in honey. The honey is compared with a standard reference antiseptic (phenol) for potency. So, for example, a honey with a rating of four would be equivalent in antiseptic potency to a four percent solution of phenol (carbolic disinfectant). Honey should have a rating of four or higher before it can be regarded as a 'Active Honey'. Laboratory tests have shown to be very effective against bacteria, the rating should be at least ten but does not need to be any greater. Honey New Zealand produces a range of Active Honeys: Manuka, Rewarewa and Wild Flora.
"Manuka honey has UMF (this stands for Unique Manuka Factor) in addition to the usual hydrogen peroxide anti-bacterial activity making it doubly potent. UMF honey is more effective than hydrogen peroxide against some types of bacteria. The level of UMF activity is found in laboratory testing by removing the hydrogen peroxide from the honey and using the same test method for testing an 'active honey'. A rating is found describing the anti-bacterial activity remaining in the honey after the hydrogen peroxide has been removed. This is called Active UMF 10+. UMF is an additional anti-bacterial component that is unique to Manuka Honey. No-one for the scientific discoveries of New Zealand active honeys has so far discovered the substance involved, so it is called UMF." (Honey New Zealand)

How is the honey used on the teeth? Some recommend simply rubbing it into the gums after brushing. Since Manuka honey retains it's antimicrobial properties when diluted up to 50 times, it may likely be able to be used as an oral irrigant (when diluted with distilled or filtered water) and directed between the teeth or sub-gingivally into periodontal pockets using an oral irrigator. However, since the honey can ferment, it is recommended that the solution be used immediately and not made up ahead of time and stored for later use. (It should be noted that honey is not to be given to infants under 24 months.)
For those who would like to see some science, here's a pdf file containing plenty of it: In addition, you may go to the Waikato Honey Research Unit web site at: .
One final note: Apparently many brands are calling themselves 'Manuka' honey. For the real thing, look for the UMF Trademark, even if it has 'UMF' in the name.
All our lives we've been told to stay away from sweets. Maybe now its time to do a hundred and eighty degree on that line of thought - at least with honey, anyway!
Tom Cornwell hosts the OraMedia Site for Dental Self Sufficiency at and publishes a monthly newsletter for people interested in keeping their teeth and gums healthier. More on honey at
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Sore Eyes - Treat Them Quickly and Effectively

Sore Eyes - Treat Them Quickly and Effectively
eyes sore

A sore eye is one of the top leading problems that most people suffer. This can be very irritating and needs immediate management. This article might be of great help. It provides quick and effective ways to treat them.

1. Flush with clean water - Water is a great source for cleansing. Sore eyes may be caused by some chemical irritation, and flushing it with clean water may be necessary and helpful. The irritating chemicals can easily be washed out with water. When you feel like having it, always remember to flush it with clean water. Cleanliness matters most and should be taken with great consideration.

2. Apply warm compress - This condition can also be treated with warm compress. Applying warm compress will actually inhibit or reduce the growth and reproduction of bacteria and germs that cause your eyes to sore. All you have to do is to wrap a hot water bag or bottle with a thick towel or cloth and place it over your eyes. This will actually prevent damage and will reduce serious trauma. Make sure that you apply warm water and avoid using hot water. Hot temperature will just cause severe trauma.

3. Consult your doctor - See an eye doctor or an eye specialist if your sore eyes persist. This may be an indicative of some visual problems. If the condition still persists despite all natural remedies, then it is best that you consult a doctor. Have your eyes checked and medications will be prescribed. Do not allow yourself to suffer more. Always opt for possible preventive measures.

The itch and the pain felt with this condition can be very aggravating. If you experience this, always remember these quick and effective treatments. This will surely ease your uncomfortable feeling and will reduce the soreness. It is also important that you take proper hygiene into greatest priority.

Elizabeth is a passionate writer. She has been writing online articles for three years now. You can check out her latest article spandex leggings and black leggings on her website.

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